Types of Assertions and Adding Assertions in JMeter | Learn JMeter


Assertions in JMeter are used to verify that the response received from the server matches the expected result. JMeter provides several types of assertions that can be added to test cases to ensure that the application is functioning as expected. 

In this, we will explain the different types of assertions in JMeter and how to add them to test cases.

Types of Assertions in JMeter:

Response Assertion: This assertion checks whether the response contains a particular string, text, or pattern. You can specify the type of comparison, such as contains, matches, or equals.

Duration Assertion: This assertion checks whether the response time falls within a specified range. You can specify the minimum and maximum time in milliseconds.

Size Assertion: This assertion checks whether the response size falls within a specified range. You can specify the minimum and maximum size in bytes.

XML Assertion: This assertion checks whether the response is a valid XML document and contains the expected elements and attributes.

JSON Assertion: This assertion checks whether the response is a valid JSON document and contains the expected elements and attributes.

Beanshell Assertion: This assertion allows you to write custom code using the Beanshell scripting language to perform custom validations on the response.

Adding Assertions to Test Cases in JMeter:

To add an assertion to a test case in JMeter, you can follow these steps:

  • Select the sampler to which you want to add the assertion.
  • Right-click on the sampler and select 'Add > Assertions'.
  • Select the type of assertion you want to add and configure the options according to your requirements.
  • Click 'OK' to save the assertion.

You can add multiple assertions to a single sampler to check for different conditions.

It is important to note that adding too many assertions can impact the performance of the test plan. It is recommended to use assertions judiciously and only where necessary.

Summary:  Assertions in JMeter are an important tool for ensuring that the response received from the server matches the expected result. JMeter provides several types of assertions that can be added to test cases, including Response Assertion, Duration Assertion, Size Assertion, XML Assertion, JSON Assertion, and Beanshell Assertion. By adding these assertions to test cases, testers can ensure that the application is functioning as expected and identify any issues with the response.

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