Learn Appium Automation - Step-by-Step Tutorial (2023)

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Table of Contents

What is Appium?

Appium is an open-source mobile application testing framework that allows you to automate testing for both Android and iOS platforms. It was developed with the goal of making it easy for developers and testers to write and run automated tests for their mobile applications, using familiar programming languages and tools.

With Appium, you can write tests using languages such as Java, Ruby, Python, C#, and more, and run them on both real devices and emulators/simulators. This makes it a powerful and flexible tool for mobile app testing.

  • One of the key benefits of Appium is its support for native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. 
  • It uses the WebDriver API, which is a standard for automating web applications, and extends it to support mobile app testing. 
  • This means that you can write tests that interact with your app in the same way that a user would, performing actions such as tapping buttons, scrolling, and entering text.
  • Appium also supports a wide range of mobile testing frameworks, including JUnit and TestNG, making it easy to integrate with your existing testing infrastructure. 

Additionally, it provides a number of built-in features, such as support for gestures, notifications, and alerts, that make it easy to automate complex testing scenarios.

 Get started with Appium, 

  • you first need to install the Appium server and set up the desired capabilities for your test environment. 
  • This includes specifying the platform you want to test on (Android or iOS), the type of device or emulator you want to use, and the path to the app you want to test.
  • Once you have set up the desired capabilities, you can write a test script using your preferred programming language and the Appium API. 
  • This script will interact with your app and perform the actions you specify. 
  • You can then run the test script, which will launch your app and execute the test actions.

Appium provides a number of benefits for mobile app testing, including cross-platform support, a wide range of supported programming languages and testing frameworks, and a user-friendly API that makes it easy to automate complex testing scenarios. 

Additionally, its open-source nature means that it is constantly evolving and improving, making it a popular choice for mobile app testing.

Appium Tutorial: Click below to Learn more

1. APPIUM Installation

2. Desired Capabilities in APPIUM

3. Locators in APPIUM

4. Touch Actions in APPIUM

5. Best Practices for Writing Appium Test

6. Debug Appium Code

7. Integrating Appium Tests Into Your Continuous Integration Pipeline

Free Appium Cheat Sheet -  Click Here

Appium Mobile Automation Interview Questions

Read Here - Top Appium Interview Questions

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