Learn Selenium WebDriver: Step-by-Step Tutorial

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Table of Contents


What is Selenium?

Selenium is an open-source automation tool that is widely used for web application testing. It allows you to automate the testing of web applications by simulating user interactions with the browser, such as clicking buttons, entering text into text fields, and navigating between pages.

Advantages of Selenium:

  • One of the main advantages of Selenium is its support for multiple programming languages, including Java, C#, Python, and Ruby, which means that it can be integrated into a wide range of test automation frameworks and development environments. 
  • Selenium also supports multiple browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari, which makes it a versatile tool for testing web applications.

Important Features in Selenium :

Selenium provides a rich set of APIs that can be used to automate web testing. These APIs provide a wide range of functionality, including:

  • WebDriver: WebDriver is an API that allows you to interact with web browsers and automate browser interactions.
  • WebElement: Web Element is an API that allows you to interact with individual elements on a web page, such as buttons, text fields, and links.
  • Locating elements: Selenium provides several ways to locate elements on a web page, such as by ID, name, class name, and CSS selector.
  • Actions: Selenium provides a wide range of methods for interacting with web elements, such as clicking, entering text, and selecting options from a drop-down list.
  • Verification: Selenium provides methods for verifying that elements on a web page have the expected state, such as whether an element is enabled or disabled, and whether a specific text is displayed.
  • Waits: Selenium provides several ways to wait for specific conditions to be met before proceeding with the test, such as waiting for an element to be present on the page or waiting for an element's state to change.

Selenium can be integrated with various test frameworks such as TestNG and JUnit. which allows you to organize and execute your test cases. It also supports various reporting and logging libraries such as TestNG, JUnit, and Allure reporting.

In summary, Selenium is a powerful tool for test automation of web applications. It provides a rich set of APIs for interacting with web browsers and web pages, and it supports multiple programming languages, browsers, and test frameworks. Selenium can help to improve the efficiency and reliability of your web application testing process, by allowing you to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks.


Basics of Automation Testing


Automation Frameworks:


How to add Extent Reports

Selenium WebDriver Interview Questions

Read Here - Selenium Interview Questions

Selenium WebDriver Cheat Sheet:   Click here - Selenium Cheat Sheet

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